Friday, April 1, 2011

Almost 1/4 of a year has gone by!

I have been 100 percent raw this whole year and down almost 20 pounds. The goal is to be as healthy as possible of course.
A great way to show that this lifestyle works, is to enter a fitness competition.
There are a couple coming up this summer... and I am gearing up to be ready. Whatever happens, no matter what... the outcome is better health... so Im already a winner.
Im posting this cool slider that tracks my weight loss.
If anyone is interested in this lifestyle.. become a fan and support me as I have been posting my daily activities on Facebook at Body Seasonings, including some of the detoxification herbal and liquid programs that I am using throughout this mission... Please dont hesitate to contact me with any questions... follow me on Facebook or on Twitter
(Look on the Right Side Panel and click on the Logos)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Day Pain Free...

Day 12 on 100percent live foods!

Its been a great awakening to the subtleties of healing with food.
It was a day of 24 inches of snow in the North East. Most of us were snowed in today. Usually this would be a day I am craving hot beverages, hot bath and bed. Since my energy has been shifting, no pain, satisfied with room tempature water and moving around too much to want to lay down.
All of these benefits can only be attributed to my change in diet.
Taking cooked foods out, and bringing in vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, juices and salads.
Slowly I am getting more creative. Just broke out the dehydrator. Lets see what I can "cook".
Food is still considered alive if it is heated with a temperature of 118degrees or less, so the dehydrator qualifies as a tool that can be used to support this diet regimen.
So here is to another day of health and healing.
If any of my readers would like to know more, I will be posting dates of Live Food Events in Hartford and Simsbury CT.
They will be fun and informative and mostly to support anyone who is ready and able to go through this shift.
Not many people around you will understand this regimen. The SAD is not easy to move away from, so I am here with support and guidance, as I too am going through the process.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Are Deep Into the Season of The Kidney

Winter is the time of year that we all (especially in the North) have to slow down, stay inside, and nurture our bodies. As we look at nature, the trees, plants and other animal life, we are all in "hybernation mode". Short days, hopefully longer rest periods are a time to nurture and take care of our deepest organs in the body, which are our kidneys. The trees shed their fruit and leaves in the fall in preparation for winter. The trees take their nutrition from their deep roots that have been storing up for this season that is upon us. We also must do the same. We are using our kidneys more in this season, so we need to give them special care. Here are a few herbs and foods that are recommended to nurture these organs throughout the season.
Some tonifying herbs would be: Gravel root, juniper berries, uva ursi, burdock root, parsley, ginger root, lobelia leaf

Nettles are used as a tonic for the kidneys. It helps to enrich the blood as well. Usually taken as tea or herbal supplement.

Mineral Supplements like Magnesium citrate(best type of magnesium to be absorbed by our body):
It reduces saturation of crystals or stones from calcium salts by combining with calcium to form other complexes. It also slows down crystalline growth of calcium salts.

Nurturing Raw Foods:
Dried Cranberries, sprouted millet, barley, and kidney beans.
String beans, water chestnuts, blueberry, spirulina, chlorella

Had to Take Inventory...

Been away from the blog since September. Life has had its way with me. As Im sure with many of my readers. The year of 2010 has been one of great transition for so many in my life and the world itself. I am no exception. I will skip over the juicy parts and just say "I'm Back!" Full Throttle! Started the New Year as a Raw Vegan... wow! Never thought I was a conformist, but honestly, this new lifestyle has been the closest to my understanding of TRUTH. I'm going to let you into my world, as I have entered it and see if any of this rings true to you. If it does, its worth taking a look. My journey of healing started long ago, before my daughter was born(23 years ago wow!) I went back to school to become a massage therapist after many years of therapy from a few major car crashes and many years of physical, psychological pains and trauma from childhood.. I knew I was on the road to healing, but what a long road it has been. There was a strong urge to learn about herbs. After many Dr's visits wondering what my pain was all about, I was given a diagnosis of fibromyalgia from a rheumatologist. So fortunate to have found other sources of healing before and after that time. He had prescriptions ready for me, pain-killers, muscle-relaxers, and anti-depressants. The scrips were in the garbage on day 1. This was 11 years ago. I haven't taken even so much as a Tylenol for any pain or any OTC(overthecounter) drug since. I have been managing pain with herbals,teas, tinctures,homeopathic and topical remedies. I make sure I recieve some type of body work every week or 2 and this has all sustained me, and I have been proud to promote this protocol, since I have been a therapist and within the last 5 years, a teacher and national instructor of body workers. So with ALL that being said. I'm on day 11 of only eating raw foods and I realized something subtle, but epic... I have an "herbal pharmacy" which has been my life line to harmonize and tonify my health daily... I haven't opened it ALL YEAR! As many people who suffer with pain would know that this is TRULY a gift
I'm writing you on 1/11/11 to make a wish for all that are out there who are looking for a way to empower themselves. Follow my journey, make yourself a believer... reach out. I will be your guide to eliminating disease, physically aging backwards, and spiritual awakening...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sexy Water...

Why is the intake of water so important to my body?
I have been asked this question by my students and clients who come see me for massage and herbal remedies...
Here is a much needed explanation ...
I see the signs of dehydration when they complain of cramping, muscle spasms, lack of energy, break outs/rashes.
Basic signs of dehydration are thirst, and a very yellow urine, but there are more signs that alot of people are not aware of.
Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water.
It flushes toxins out of vital organs, which helps support weight loss.
It provides nutrition to the cell by carrying vitamins and minerals,it keeps the tissues healthy and moist in the body, like the sinus, and all the body cavities such as the mouth, throat, vaginal and anal areas.
When people complain of lack of energy and an overall feeling of tiredness, this could be due to dehydration, without enough water in the body, the normal body functions are sluggish.
The beauty benefits are also many. The benefits of drinking water will show outwardly.
Your skin will become clear,your energy is up and you look radiant because all of the skin cells are hydrated.
Skin will be plump in the face and it will have a younger appearance because skin cells are healthy and hydrated. Cellulite in areas of the stomach, thigh area may fade because the hydrated skin cells will naturally create a more tone and tighter complexion.
Water needs vary for each person, but here is a basic formula I advise my clients and students:
example of a 200lb man/woman... they would need to drink 1/2 their body weight in ounces to remain hydrated.
So 100oz for this person would be appropriate to replenish the body's water loss.
If you are good at eating fruits and vegetables, you are able to get 20% of your water from food.
Also you can make your own sexy waters full of natural flavors .. with slices of lemon, oranges, or cucumbers... any fruit of vegetable that you love will do...
Herbal tea hot or iced ( decaffeinated -no green tea) with nothing added(sugar, honey, cream etc.) acts as water in the organs, so this is another way to add water into your daily routine.
Any coffee or alcohol negates any water you have taken in, because they are diuretic(take water out of the blood and bone cells).
For 1 cup of coffee, you need to take in 1 cup of water to get back to 0
also if you are on any medications, you should be adding a glass of water onto the basic formula.
It is tough to start drinking water, especially if you are not used to it, or if you are at a job that requires you to be at your desk for hours at a time.
I suggest you start this hydration process on the weekend. It takes a day or 2 for your body to get used to all this water, but believe it or not, you will get used to it.
Your bladder will be able to hold the water for longer periods and naturally your body will get rid of the extra water it has been holding on to because it has now been reconditioned to understand that you are no longer dehydrated, so there is no need for storage.
Almost every time I ask, so 'how much water did you drink today' I get alot of the same response, not much, 'does coffee count?'.. haha.. 'does beer count?' haha...   More than half of my clients are dehydrated.
Well it is such a simple and blessed resource to stay healthy, it is a wonder to me how we all take this idea of drinking water for granted.
Here is a diagram from the Mayo Clinic on the importance of water:

Water loss happens for many reasons. Naturally through sweat, breathing, urine and bowel movements a person loses about 4 - 8oz cups per day.
So find healthy ways through out the day to stay hydrated, before and after any physical exercise and a 1/2 hour before and after meals, is the way to a healthy, sexy, more energetic body.
If you want to learn how to make Sexy Water and Herbal Teas,
 check out my site @  click on my shop to order.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Changing your lifestyle and your food habits can be overwhelming emotionally as well as physically.
This is summertime, the time of barbq, family gatherings, bazaars, festivals, and all are usually combined with the love of comfort foods.
When you are eating clean, or vegetarian, and especially raw, as I am, this becomes a difficult feat..
Others may not understand you, why you are eating different than them, some may take offense, that you dont want to try their pie, cake, chicken wings... etc... but be strong,  because you know in your heart and mind that you are building a new body that will support you for many years to come.
I hope anyone who is interested in learning how to create a healthy body will join us for this 60 day shift . The shift is taking place every day, so don't think you have to wait, or you missed out on the start date... today is your day to start... you can start your own online journal @
There is never a good day to begin a lifestyle change, so start TODAY!